Letter from the Editor – June 2023

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the latest issue of Color of Wellness Magazine, where we proudly showcase the essence of “Black Wellness by Black Nurses.” Our mission remains steadfast: to increase health equity and empower individuals with knowledge, support, and resources to live their healthiest lives.

This month, we shine a spotlight on various topics that deeply resonate with our commitment to inclusivity, diversity, and understanding. In recognition of Pride month, we delve into how we can collectively contribute to increasing health equity for the LGBTQIA community, ensuring that everyone receives the compassionate care they deserve.

We also tackle the important subject of black women and infertility, exploring the unique challenges they face and shedding light on available resources and support systems. Our aim is to provide a safe and nurturing space to address this sensitive topic and offer insights to guide those on their fertility journey.

Additionally, we embrace Men’s Health Awareness Month by focusing on the specific health concerns that impact men. From mental well-being to physical fitness, we empower our male readers with essential information and strategies to prioritize their health and well-being.

In our quest to explore holistic wellness, we dive into the health benefits of fasting, uncovering the transformative effects it can have on our bodies and minds. We provide guidance and considerations for incorporating fasting into your wellness journey, encouraging you to discover the positive impact it can have on your overall health.

Time management plays a pivotal role in our daily lives, and in this issue, we discuss the significance of getting more sleep to improve our time management skills. We explore the correlation between adequate rest and enhanced productivity, equipping you with practical tips to optimize your sleep routine for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Lastly, we recognize the importance of finding a culturally sensitive primary care provider (PCP). We offer insights and strategies to help you navigate the search for a PCP who understands your unique background, experiences, and healthcare needs, fostering a stronger patient-provider relationship.

We hope that the diverse range of topics covered in this issue resonates with you and serves as a source of empowerment, education, and inspiration. As we continue our journey towards greater health equity, we invite you to join us in fostering a community where all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds or identities, can thrive and achieve optimal well-being.

Thank you for being a part of the Color of Wellness community. Together, let’s create a future where health equity is not just an aspiration but a reality for all.

In wellness,

Michelle Greene Rhodes,

MHS, RN (ret.)
Editor, Color of Wellness Magazine

Michelle Rhodes