Celebrating PRIDE Month, Increasing health equity for the LGBTQIA Community

Concept of national healthcare system - LGBT- Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people

It was a hot night during the summer of 1969. Stonewall Inn-the unassuming gay bar was swamped with lovers despite oppressive and discriminatory societal attitudes. Suddenly, due to a police raid, this modest gay bar became the backdrop for a historic event that would reverberate worldwide and ignite the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Stonewall Riots was a turning point for the gay community.

During this beautiful month of June, please join in as we celebrate LGBTQ+ pride. Whether you are an ally, advocate, or member, June allows us to stand in our truth and be authentic.

Beyond the Rainbow: Continuing to Fight for Equality

The rainbow community knows and accepts love in its universal nature. Love and acceptance may be giving birth to a growing number of colors in our rainbow. Despite this beauty, we must continue to fight for our rights despite the current political climate on this topic.

Nurturing Love & Wellness

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, there is nothing more crucial than to nurture our love and wellness. Our lives are clouded by unique challenges that can threaten our total well-being. During this celebratory month, let us celebrate Pride full of zest and zeal, focusing on our mental, physical, and total well-being.

This can look a multitude of ways, including self-care of, meditation, or spending time in nature. It can be sitting on the porch during a rainstorm and listening to the raindrops as they dance across roofs and streets. Consider spending time with that special someone and curling up together to watch Pose or moving that body to #MyJam below. Either way, taking time out for self-promotes self-love. As RuPaul says, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell can you love someone else?”

Happy Pride to you all.

#MyJam: Listen to “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga, a powerful anthem celebrating individuality and self-acceptance.


  • https://legacy.lambdalegal.org/blog/20200706_8th-circuit-revives-lawsuit-specialist-denied-job
  • https://queercafe.net/history.htm
Shannon Whittington