Back-to-School Sanity: Self-Care Tips for Mom’s with Full Plates

Portrait of happy mother and daughter having fun, mother combing daughters hair and prepering her daughter for school at home. Back to school, single mom, bonding concept

by Quisha Umemba

The back-to-school season is a whirlwind of new schedules, school supplies, and emotional adjustments for the entire family. During this bustling time, busy moms, especially those with multiple school-age children, often find themselves playing the roles of chauffeur, tutor, counselor, and chef (just to name a few)—all in a day’s work. While it’s fulfilling to tend to your children’s needs, it’s equally crucial to attend to your own self-care. After all, a well-taken-care-of mom is better equipped to take care of her family. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of self-care and offer actionable tips to help you balance family responsibilities with personal well-being.

The Importance of Self-Care

Self-care is important for many reasons. The most important of these being mental health.  When you’re constantly running from task to task, it’s easy to become overwhelmed, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and even burnout. Taking time for self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining your mental health. Neglecting self-care can take a toll on your physical well-being as well, impacting your immunity and increasing your vulnerability to illnesses.  I probably don’t have to tell you this, but a healthy mom is more effective at caring for her children.  Remember the old saying “monkey see, monkey do”.  That’s right, kids emulate everything that adults do.  Modeling a life with intentional self-care activities and routines teaches your children the importance of taking care of themselves, setting them up for a future of well-rounded health. Last, engaging in self-care activities can help you recharge and be more present during the time you spend with your children, making your interactions more meaningful.

Practical Tips for Busy Moms

Making Time for Your Children

  1. Create a Routine – Kids thrive on routine. Establish set times for homework, meals, and bedtime to make your day less chaotic.
  2. Meal Prep-Use the weekends to meal prep. This will not only save you time during the week but also ensure that your family is eating healthily.
  3. Involve the Kids -Make chores a family activity. It’s a great way to spend time together and lighten your own load. (Plus, it teaches them life-long lessons in cleaning that they will thank you for later).
  4. Prioritize Quality Over Quantity – If you’re short on time, focus on the quality of interaction. Even 15 minutes of undivided attention can make a big difference in your child’s day.

Making Time for Yourself

  1. Schedule “Me Time” – Literally put it on your calendar. Whether it’s a 20-minute walk, a quick workout, or even a short meditation session. Find some time each week to date yourself and make it non-negotiable and don’t feel bad about it. (Self-care isn’t selfish!)
  2. Create a Support Network – Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Create a support system among family and friends and if you are able, hire help for tasks like cleaning or childcare.
  3. Utilize Technology- Use apps to manage your tasks and set reminders for self-care activities.
  4. Learn to Say No- As a mom, it’s natural to want to do it all, but it’s crucial to set boundaries. Saying no to additional commitments allows you to say yes to self-care.
  5. Short (but effective) workouts are ok! – Even a 15-minute high-intensity workout can significantly improve your physical and mental state.

The School Bell Rings for You, Too Mom! Self-care During Back-to-School Time is Must-Have.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish; it’s essential for your well-being and for your ability to be there for your children. It’s all about creating a sustainable balance. This back-to-school season, remember that your well-being is a vital part of the family equation. With a bit of planning and self-awareness, you can navigate this busy time while ensuring that everyone—yourself included—is taken care of.


  • Caring for Your Mental Health (National Institutes of Health)
  • What is Self-Care, and Why is it so Important for your Health (Everyday Health)

#whatimreading “Got Anything Stronger?” by Gabriel Union
As the CEO and Owner of Umemba Health, Quisha Umemba helps public health organizations and healthcare systems to educate their frontline workforce, empower their leadership, and expand their community presence. An advocate for health equity, her life’s mission is to empower, educate, and transform the lives of others. Quisha can be reached by email at

Quisha Umemba