The Dangers of Poor Water Intake6 Possible Signs That You Are Not Drinking Enough Water

Did you know that there is more water than land on the earth? Did you also know that most of your body consists of water? Did you know that the blood, the most essential part of your body, is mainly made of water? Water is the most vital nutrient the body needs to survive. Water is so important that it was one of the first things mentioned when God created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1-10). I do not think we give enough attention to the body’s need for water, which often leads to dire consequences for our health and well-being.

What happens when we don’t drink enough water- 6 possible things can happen.

  1. Dehydration- This can lead to fatigue, mental fogginess, headache, weakness, or even heat stroke
  2. Kidney stones- In some cases, these can be developed simply by not drinking enough water (NIDDK)
  3. Constipation- Having constant hard stools, leading to other complications
  4. Sluggish and slow metabolism- poor hydration can significantly contribute to this, leading to low energy.
  5. Poor Skin health- Not drinking enough water will promote premature aging, according to a study (NIH). Here, individuals who consumed the most water had more excellent skin elasticity, fewer signs of aging, and reduced dry and rough skin appearance.
  6. Overeating and weight gain can indicate that we are not drinking enough water. Drinking enough water can help us feel full and therefore leads us to eat less and can undoubtedly be an excellent substitute for high-calorie beverages that can further induce weight gain.

How Much Water Should I Drink Each Day?

  • Unless there is an underlying kidney failure, adults should drink about 8-10 glasses of water daily (NIDDK).
  • You may also use the following “general criteria” – Divide ½ of your body weight, then drink that amount in ounces daily (Example 150lbs/2 = 75ounces/day).
  • So here is your invitation to take the 30-Day Water Challenge

On this challenge, you will pledge to drink enough water daily for 30 Days. If you fall short on any day, keep going and continue the next day. The goal is that you keep going until it becomes a habit. Remember that action becomes a habit, and a pattern eventually becomes a lifestyle. Be encouraged to take the course of a healthier lifestyle, where there are no regrets, and the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices.

*If you are drinking enough water yet experiencing some of these signs/symptoms, it is time for a wellness check and labs.
Contact us at
to schedule your wellness lab appointment. No doctor’s order is needed.

#total well-being

#myjam – If you don’t like drinking plain water, check out my favorite aloe juice (with incredible benefits) to add to my water to kick it –


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) –
National Institute of Health (NIH) –

Chinedu Okafor