Jumpstart Your First Five Pounds of Weight Loss

Jumpstart Your First Five Pounds of Weight Loss

Whether you’re looking ahead to 2024 or reflecting on 2023, shedding extra pounds might be on your list. You’re not alone. One survey across 30 countries revealed 45–60% of individuals were trying to lose weight (Ipsos, 2021). Unwanted weight affects physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, increases stress and expands waistlines. Even a modest amount of weight loss can improve blood pressure, blood glucose, and decrease health risks.

You may be new to weight loss or perhaps like me, coming back after illness, injury or a crazy-busy life season. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all magic formula. Fortify the path to losing the first five pounds with these foundational holistic tips. It’s officially bounce back season and time to refocus on total wellness!

Start where you are. Create a sustainable plan that’s connected to your why. Transformation happens from the inside out.

Eat intuitively, being mindful of restrictive eating. One common habit incorporated by people trying to lose weight included healthy eating without dieting (Bailey et al., 2021). Focus on balance and sustainability. Experiment to find what works for you.
Stay well-hydrated. Drink water throughout the day, to help control appetite and support metabolism.

Make regular movement a priority. Like to walk? Okay. Love dancing? Great! Weight training your jam? Outstanding! Whatever you like, make movement part of your routine.

Get adequate sleep to support activity levels. Insufficient sleep can disrupt hormones related to appetite and weight regulation.

Manage stress that often leads to emotional eating and weight gain. Practice stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or breathing exercises.
Be consistent! This is likely the most important factor for successful weight loss.
Lead with self compassion. Let go of all-or-nothing thinking that keeps you stuck. Celebrate the wins along the way!

Seek social support. Friends, family, or support groups can help you stay motivated.
Involve your healthcare provider. They can assist with tracking personalized wellness markers.

Consider partnering with a Nurse Coach or Health Coach. Coaches are amazing at supporting your unique plan and provide a deeper level of accountability towards achieving your goal.

Lastly, don’t rely solely on the scale as the definitive measure of success. Weight is just one indicator. It fluctuates throughout the day and week to week. Look at factors such as how clothes are fitting, energy level improvements, better mobility and brighter mood to gain a more holistic view of your progress.

#totalwellness #myjam- Read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear


Bailey, P., Purcell, S., Calvar, J., & Baverstock, A. (2021). Actions and interventions for weight loss. Ipsos. https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2021-01/actions-and-interventions-for-weight-loss.pdf
Ipsos (2021). Press Release.
Losavio, J., Keenan, M. J., Gollub, E. A., & Silver, H. J. (2023). Factors that predict weight loss success differ by diet intervention type. Frontiers in Nutrition, 10, 1192747. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnut.2023.1192747

DeAnn Ferguson