Steps to Spiritual Wellness

Spirituality or spiritual conversations can often be filled with confusion, doubts, and fear. Many have tried to find ways to answer the question of spiritual wellness and how one achieves it. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health(n.d.), there is currently no clear definition of spiritual wellness. However, many scientists and researchers have attempted to come up with a definition. I believe, however, that this question can be answered by the Bible, the word of God.

  Simply defined, spiritual wellness means having peace with God and your fellow man (Hebrews 12:14).

Here are the Steps to Achieve Spiritual Wellness

1.    It must start with a personal relationship with God. It’s as easy as ABC. However, the heart must be involved.

*Must ADMIT that you are a sinner (All have sinned and have come short of the glory of God- Romans 3:23).

*Must BELIEVE that the wages of sin is death, but that Christ has paid the price for your sin (Romans 6:23 & Romans 5:8).

*Must CONFESS with your mouth and invite Him into your heart in prayer (Romans 10:9- 10 & Romans 10:13).

1.    Start reading your Bible routine or daily and implement a prayer life. This is not about the duration of time but about just doing it. Remember that prayer is simply talking to God.

2.    Get connected to a local church where you can serve within a local community and grow spiritually.

3.    As you develop your relationship with God, meditating on God’s word and praying, you will begin to experience more inner peace. You will find that your relationship with your environment and other people will positively start to change as you listen to God and obey Him.

4.    The best reward of spiritual wellness is eternal life and a home in Heaven (John 3:16-17).

 In summary, spiritual wellness starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and is reflected in how we treat our fellow man.

 How is your spiritual wellness? Are you ready to go deeper?

Spiritual wellness is an aspect of our holistic coaching program for faith-driven women in business or ministry. Schedule your strategy call with me here –

#total wellbeing

#myjam – Check out one of my favorite video clips on this subject –


1.    The Bible- KJV

2.    National Institute of Health(NIH) –

Chinedu Okafor