Wellness Travel Breaks That Don’t Break the Budget

Staycation Summer Vacation Text. Stay Home For Holiday

Looking for ways to decrease stress, and enhance physical and emotional wellbeing? Try travel as a stress outlet to promote an active lifestyle, deepen connection with others, and relieve stress triggers. Travel sparks transformational experiences in health behavior, thoughts, spiritual beliefs and social interactions. (Transformative Experience)

However, economic shifts hinder travel activity. Household budgets are being stretched with seemingly no room for travel. Still, you don’t have to miss out. Tight times present opportunities for creative wellness travel breaks on a budget. Say hello to Staycations! Staycations or holistays are about taking time to reset, recharge and restore, all while being closer to home. Let’s face it. Sometimes you need to step away and create safe spaces to reconnect with self.

We’re rediscovering domestic travel as a way to visit new destinations locally and regionally. Secondary destinations such as inclusive locations, rural areas, and nature spots are trending. In fact, 52% of consumers are more likely to take an outdoor trip.
(Travel Trends)

Staycations involve minimal to no cost with a little upfront planning, and can occur over a few hours, a full day, or several days such as a long weekend. Staycations fit easier into daily life schedules with less stress than navigating extended travel. Think no long airport lines, canceled flights, or lost luggage while experiencing the same mood-boosting benefits!

Staycation Power Tips:
•Choose your non-negotiable staycation dates and time.

•Pick who you want to spend the time with. Is this trip solo, or with friends and family?

•Choose what you want to do. Staying home for a personal retreat? Seeing local sites? Taking a road trip to a destination close by? Whatever you choose, stay connected to your goal of relaxing. 

•Don’t over commit. Leave space to explore and be curious. Linger at locations that bring you joy.

•Set your budget. Start with what’s free or minimal cost. Check museums, parks, outdoor recreation areas, state parks, local festivals and theme parks.

•Ask about discounts. First line worker, military and veteran, teacher, student and school-aged children discounts are typically available. 

•Getting there is half the fun! Spend time researching destinations. Nearby gems await you.

•Make it a lifestyle. Keep a small travel journal or notebook listing fun moments, great food, people, and places. Reconnect with the emotions, senses, and excitement of your travels anytime, and plan your next getaway.

You have the power to pull away from the day to day routine to re-energize with a staycation at any time. See you on the travel trails!


Check out the short read “A Day Away” in Maya Angelou’s book Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now

(Read) “A Day away acts as a spring tonic. It can dispel rancor, transform indecision, and renew the spirit.”

Angelou, M. (1994). Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now. Bantam ed. New York, Bantam.
World Travel & Tourism Council. (2021, November). Trending in Travel: Emerging consumer trends in travel & tourism in 2021 and beyond. https://wttc.org/Portals/0/Documents/Reports/2021/Trending_In_Travel-Emerging_Consumer_Trends-231121.pdf?ver=2021-11-23-101035-507

Zhao, Y., & Agyeiwaah, E. (2023). Understanding tourists’ transformative experience: A systematic literature review. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 54, 188-199. Retrieved from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1447677022002017

DeAnn Ferguson