Get Lifted: Maintaining Positive Vibes in Your Relationship

Affectionate young African American couple lovingly smiling at each other while lying face to face in bed together in the morning

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When in a couple, we know that conflict can arise, and there are probably a hundred and one articles out there about how to avoid conflict in our relationships– this is not one of those articles. It is summertime! It’s time for teasing. It’s time for secret whispers and sexy moments of eye contact with your boo. So, no more negativity; it’s all about keeping those good vibrations going in your relationship.

Here are just a few tips to keep you summer sassy and your mate summer happy:


Being playful with your mate is one of the more fun aspects of a relationship. Enjoying casual time or dropping fun, playful cues, even the non-verbal type, are surefire ways to interrupt your busy life with the sweetest of pleasantries. We often spend so much time in conflict, either working or trying to figure out our next move, that we forget to turn our serious switch off and our teasing and playfulness on. Grab your favorite board game or create your own rules; the options are limitless!


This is an opportunity for you and your mate to write down inexpensive but fun activities on scraps of paper and throw them in the jar. Shake it up, and when it’s time for QT, the jar will provide a fun and new adventure for both of you. Remember, it’s not about the quantity of money you spend; it’s the quality of time you spend. Be creative and think outside the box!


Intimacy is not simply about sex. One of its primary focuses is the sense of touch. Embrace each other, hold hands, or even draw hearts on each other’s backs and arms. The point is to explore your mate by touch. Explore and tickle those places you’ve never touched (behind the knee, the back of the neck, etc.). Physical touch can be one of the most powerful, healing, and positive methods of affection.


Don’t forget to show your mate appreciation. Not by just buying trinkets or gifts, but by words and actions. Wear that favorite perfume or cologne they like or offer to wash the dishes just because. Instead of going out to dinner, prepare a meal together. Although there is plenty to do in the summer sun, a fun afternoon at home can be just as hot! Whether this summer brings you a new love or you decide to remix an old one, make sure to focus on all the positive things about your relationship and all the positive aspects of your life.

Dr. Carleah East