Social Wellness is Wellness 

Multiracial friends toasting with fruits fresh smoothies in coffee brunch bar during corona virus outbreak

Introduction Social wellness is the ability to interact effectively with others in your community. It’s not just about making friends or getting along, but also about being able to handle yourself and your relationships with others. When you have good social wellness, you are a grounded and friendly person who understands their own emotions and those of others. In this way, social wellness is as important as physical, occupational, and environmental wellness. 

Social wellness is just as important as physical, occupational, and environmental wellness. 

Social wellness is defined as having the capacity to effectively handle yourself and your relationships with others in your community. It’s a key component of overall health, and one of the most important aspects of maintaining good physical, occupational and environmental wellness. While many individuals view social wellness as being about how well you interact with others or make friends, it actually encompasses much more than that. It also includes: 

• Getting along with family members 

• Working well at school or work 

• Forming close friendships 

• Being able to resolve conflicts without resorting to violence

Social wellness is about being able to effectively handle yourself and your relationships with others in your community. Social Wellness is about how you handle yourself and your relationships with others in your community. 

It is about being grounded and friendly, while also being able to effectively handle yourself and your relationships with others in your community. When you have good social wellness, you are a grounded and friendly person who understands their own emotions and those of others. People with good social wellness are assertive and can handle the unexpected. They are able to understand and empathize with others. They know how to be a good friend, as well as how to build healthy relationships. They aren’t afraid of conflict; rather, they value constructive criticism because it allows them to improve themselves. Their relationships are mutually beneficial: everyone involved benefits from being around each other because they share similar interests or goals in life that help everyone grow together as a team or community (such as the members of a sports team). Everyone needs friends. But the most important relationship anyone can have is the one they have with themselves. “You are the most important person in your life.” This is a phrase I tell my clients, and it rings true for each of us. We all need friends, but the best relationship any of us can have is one with ourselves. It’s easy to get caught up in other people’s lives and forget about our own needs— but if we don’t take care of ourselves, who will? And since the only way we can be there for others is if we’re well ourselves, it makes sense that being your own best friend should be your number one priority. Social wellness is a key part of overall health. 

Social wellness is a key part of overall health. 

It is about your ability to effectively handle yourself and your relationships with others in your community. When you have good social wellness, you are a grounded and friendly person who understands their own emotions and those of others.


When you’re able to understand your own emotions, know how to manage them, and use them as a tool for helping others, then you are on the path towards good social wellness. When we talk about someone who has good social wellness, it means they can relate well with people and understand their needs as well as their own needs without being overly concerned about what other people think. Being socially well also means that you have friends who care about each other and support each other through difficult times.

Ivette Palomeque