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And there’s scientific research to back it! People who are kind and compassionate show significant reduced stress and improved emotional well-being. We often push kindness to the side in favor of stress, because we are too busy, or maybe we just aren’t paying attention. But if we take the time to be kind – to other people and to ourselves – we can reap the emotional rewards! It can really make a difference and especially for people who are struggling or in a vulnerable position. What are the health benefits of kindness? 

• Helping others feels good 

• Kindness creates a sense of belonging and reduces isolation 

• It helps keep things in perspective 

• It helps to make the world a happier place 

• The more you do for others, the more you do for yourself

It’s easy to appear kind in our digital environment but harder to commit to it in our daily behavior and actions. However, kindness is contagious and one small act leads to more and more. Kindness could also be built in to business decisions and government policy in a way that supports everyone’s mental health and also reduces discrimination and inequality. But that starts by individual commitments to showing kindness in our own words and actions.

Here are several ways you can show kindness every day:

To yourself: 

  •  Prioritize “me” time so you can relax and do the things you enjoy 
  • Treat yourself to something small
  • Spend time in the nature 
  • Exercise and take care of yourself physically 

At home and in your community: 

See Also

  • Call a friend 
  • Volunteer for a local event
  • Send flowers 
  •  Help a neighbor 
  •  Check on someone who you know is struggling

At work: 

  •  Say hi to colleagues, remember their birthday and special life happenings 
  •  Offer to support a colleague with a project 
  • Listen to a colleague who is having a bad day 
  • Praise a colleague for a job well done

In public places:

  • Open doors for others 
  • Smile and say hello to people you pass by 
  • Be a consider driver/bicyclist

On social media:

  • Write an encouraging post or share a special quote 
  • Think about your comments and replies before posting; try not to say nasty things 
  • If it isn’t kind, think twice

You can find so much joy in being deliberately kind! It doesn’t have to take too much time and doesn’t have to cost money. An act of kindness can be as simple as a compliment. Now is the time to re-imagine a kinder society that better protects our mental health – and you are the person who can make a difference! For more ideas on how to show kindness, find support at New Perspectives Therapeutic Services.

Nigeria MCHellon

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