Black Women and Heart Disease: Do You Know If You’re at Risk?

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From the beginning of American history, black women have been the glue that holds black families together. Not only are we the matriarchs of our families, but we are also the nurturer, counselor, housekeeper, chauffeur, caregiver, decision maker, and chef; all while we hold down our careers. We have supported our spouses or significant others in relationships and marriages, and everything else in between and to our detriment, forgetting about ourselves. Beautiful Queens, I am here to say today, “YOU ARE NO GOOD TO ANYONE ELSE IF YOU DON’T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF… FIRST!” Heart disease is very much so present in the black community and has affected black women at a disproportionate rate. We must know the signs, symptoms, but most importantly we must “know our numbers” so that we can prevent heart disease.

Natasha Henderson