Falling in Love with Mental Health

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Over the past year Black Americans have had the scab pulled off old wounds that many would like to say were healed, but our current feelings and behaviors revealed that we are bleeding with outrage, anger, fear, uncertainty, pain, anxiety, stress, oppression, and depression. We became conscious of the systemic injustices against Black Americans as we watched Ahmaud Arbery be gunned down while jogging in his neighborhood. We saw George Floyd, call for his mother with his last breath while a police officer had his knee in his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. We saw the injustice and lack of value of the Black life, when the white walls of an apartment had more value than the life of our sister Breonna Taylor. We have watched the COVID-19 virus ravage thru our families taking our loved ones that are elder, immune compromised, or stricken with diabetes and kidney failure. All chronic health conditions and disparities that people of color face due to the lack of access of care.

Rashan Jones