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My Story

As we know life has many twist and turns and what you make of it, is entirely up to you. When I was younger, I believed that I could do anything in the world. I wasn’t afraid to at least try new things. I thought I knew everything as most people do at my age. I became a teen mom, and by the grace of God I managed to graduate from high school with my graduating class. I found myself rushing through life just trying to make it. I entered nursing school with a five-year-old and a fulltime job. The problem with that is I signed a contract to state I wouldn’t have a full time job due to the commitment of nursing school. Some how I made it through to nursing school and graduated with my degree. At this time I was newly married and that’s when the rollercoaster begin. The ups and down of a marriage while raising kids and working fulltime did not allow time for my passion.

I loved to write, and I didn’t have time to write anything outside of nursing diagnosis on my charts. One day during a meeting I became distracted and started writing a story and by the time the meeting was done I wrote five handwritten pages. It was then I realize my love for writing was still there. Life happened and I was faced with a divorce. I then moved my kids and myself back to Houston, Texas. I decided to get on Facebook and create a profile, because my family kept pushing me to do so. God is so good, First thing I saw on my timeline was a lady showing people how to open a book publishing company. I enrolled and followed her protocol and Purpose Publishing was born. I publish five books of my own, and over one hundred for others. I began working as a ghostwriter, and then on my time line I met a guy John Alexander, who is my current writing partner, and he taught me to write screenplays. My love for movies began. While I was learning to write movies I decided to take professional pictures for my website, and I showed my older brother and he decided to post it on Facebook.

My heart dropped, I was so embarrassed because at this time I was dealing with self esteem issues and didn’t believe I was beautiful. I was smiling my way through life while trying to stay in the background. All of a sudden I started to receive interest from modeling agencies, and if it wasn’t for my children I would have stayed hidden in the background, but they pushed and pushed till I gave in. To date I have been in twenty-nine magazines and on three covers.

At this point I hone in my skills of writing screen plays and started to acquire clients, I have written twenty movies for other clients. I have two that have recently become funded and attached to an international distributor. I know am married to the love of my life Christopher Greer, Sr. We own a production company called Greer Music and Film, and I am a model. Just when you think life is headed in one direction, God has another plan. I am so grateful that I didn’t give up on my dreams. I held on to them everyday while working in the hospital. If I could give any advice, it would be to work your day job until your dreams pay for your lifestyle.
I was determined to write fulltime and now I can safely say that is my reality.
Now Go, and create a life that you will LOVE!

Felicia Greer