African American Women and Cervical Cancer

strong African black woman cancer patient recovering from sickness, wearing head scarf to cover hair loss and pain, concept of cancer awareness

According to Medical News Today, “Black women are the second most likely demographic to develop cervical cancer. They are also more likely to die from this condition than white women”. Here’s how you can beat it! Learn about it and get screened regularly. What is cervical cancer? Cancer is a disease in which cells in the… Continue reading African American Women and Cervical Cancer

Recognizing and Treating Heart Attacks in Transgender Populations

drag artist in a black dress

Recognizing and Treating Heart Attacks in Transgender PopulationsTime is muscle. That is the motto when dealing with potential heart attacks. This means we want to quickly recognize the potential signs of a heart attack and get the patient diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. The symptoms of a heart attack vary between men and… Continue reading Recognizing and Treating Heart Attacks in Transgender Populations

5 Ways to Become Better than O.K.

Portrait of a confident young woman with very long beautiful black curly hair smiling with arms on waist

Introduction You have a dream. What is it? Have you ever thought about what it means to become better than ok? Do you know how to achieve it? In this article, we’ll explore the steps that lead to greatness and how you can get there too! Follow your inner compass. The inner compass is a… Continue reading 5 Ways to Become Better than O.K.

Letter from the Editor – February 2023

As you know, heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death for African Americans. But did you know that black women are more likely to develop heart disease than their white counterparts?The reasons behind this disparity are still being studied, but researchers have identified several factors that may contribute to it: The Benefits of… Continue reading Letter from the Editor – February 2023


Volunteerism is a method of helping whereby people offer their assistance to other people in need without expecting rewards or settlements. The typical volunteer seeks opportunities to help and assist. Volunteers usually take a long-time commitment towards assisting a particular need sometimes for their gratification or beliefs. Volunteerism is a distinctive form of helping and… Continue reading Volunteerism


Dark chocolate has many health benefits for African American women when eaten in moderation. It is high in antioxidants, which help protect the body from damage caused by harmful substances known as free radicals. It also contains flavonoids, which have been shown to lower blood pressure and improve blood flow to the heart.African American women… Continue reading HEALTH BENEFITS OF DARK CHOCOLATE

Can Stress Impact My Heart Health?

Stressed young african businesswoman suffer from migraine and headache from stress at work. Tired unhappy female touching forehead with closed eyes feeling pain and fatigue from burnout and overwork

Heart disease is a significant health concern, particularly among African Americans. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death for African American adults in the United States, causing more deaths yearly than cancer, stroke, and diabetes combined (CDC, 2021). The term “heart disease” refers to… Continue reading Can Stress Impact My Heart Health?

Accountability Hacks

The most salient component of accountability, the idea that we are responsible for our actions, is central to a long-standing debate among philosophers and psychologists: that of determinism versus free will. Determinism suggests that people act based on cause-and-effect relationships and therefore could not have acted any differently than what they actually did, whereas theories… Continue reading Accountability Hacks

Ready. Set. Pedal.

Mature African American Couple On Cycle Ride In Countryside

Riding a bike is an excellent way of working out. Bicycles offer a low-impact workout that works great for people who prefer not to jump around while exercising. They help in losing weight by shedding calories and also help in toning up the muscles in your lower body. Bike riding also strengthens your heart, lungs,… Continue reading Ready. Set. Pedal.